OutlineMajority is a decision rule. In a democratic, or democratizing
regime, it is the dominant aspect of every policy
decision. Majorities can be strong or weak, stable or
unstable, organic or procedural. Moreover, majorities
can be absolute or relative (plurality). The type of majority
depends upon the criteria and rules chosen for selecting
a majority.
The vertical axis arises out of the contrast between a
focus directly on rules that facilitate decisions and reduce
the cost of decision-making versus a prevalent concern
for taking all views - represented interests - into account.
The horizontal axis rests upon the distinction between
two majoritarian environments, one real and highly
procedural, the other virtual or organic. This is perhaps
one of the main changes in the so-called post-electoral
democracies, with majorities often being formed outside
their original institutional environment as a result of
volatile pressures largely determined by and through the