Outline“Clientelism†is a spurious concept, crossing different disciplines.
Already used by the classical sociologists and
political scientists, it has been applied in systematic way
by the social anthropologists since the 1920s. During the
1970s, the concept of clientelism was brought back into
political science in order to explain the persistence of personal
relationships in modern political systems.
The matrix represents the multidimensionality of the
concept. The vertical axis refers to the type of clientelist
association: from the traditional interpersonal exchange
among subjects of different social status to the exchange
among corporate groups, the so-called “horizontal clientelismâ€.
The horizontal axis concerns the dynamics of
clientelism, contrasting a relationship based on consensus
and deference typical of the normative traditional systems
with the contractual logic of social exchange. Both
axes reproduce the tension between backwardness and
modernity. It is therefore possible to outline a developmental
path beginning from the lower left quadrant and
proceeding clockwise.