OutlineThe LLQ quadrant represents traditional communities,
the kingdom of the notables. The patronage relationship
is direct and vertical, based on clear normative rules
related to the hierarchy of status. The ULQ quadrant
refers to the diffusion of political machines in modern
democratic systems, especially during the phases of economic
and industrial development. The central institution
is the party, which develops functions of socialization
(as outlined by Merton) and integration in complex
and heterogeneous societies. The URQ quadrant is typical
of contemporary politics. After the decline of the mass
party, interest groups protect their corporate interest by
lobbying the decision-makers. The LRQ quadrant is the
hidden part of the clientelist iceberg, where individuals
stipulate contracts in a context of free market trying to
avoid legal procedures and sanctions. Here the clientelist
dynamic becomes corruption. [Luciano Brancaccio]